Inspiring To Aspire

Purpose: Making Lives Better

Hello! I’m Melissa, fellow brain tumour ‘survivor’. The goal of this website is to help all fellow brain tumour lovelies (and those affected) WORLDWIDE to maneuver through their lifelong journey. If these tips or stories help anyone else, I am oh-so grateful! Thanks to my sometimes-twisted sense of humour, I’m a pro at making the best of any situation and hope you’ll join my determination of making lives better by collecting and sharing tips. Please, help us share this initiative!

The following video of 2022 was created with help by Mike Lang (Digital Storyteller extraordinaire)

and Todd Goold  (former awesome Information & Support Services Manager of the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada).

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Check out all TIPS here and thank you for sharing your tip(s) as a survivor, loved one or care provider through SUBMIT A TIP  Your submitted tips for fellow BT lovelies, and anyone else affected. Organized in 6 categories (and growing!)


Short stories of the people & opportunities that unknowingly helped me emotionally stand back up 🙂

MY BT STORY & book Day By Day (2014)


Henrik Ibsen said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, in this blog I’m sure I can do less! I’ve got so many nostalgic images & tips that muster up some thought-provoking topics .

Have a suggestion, question feedback, or looking to help me spread the this initiative of collecting tips?Let’s connect! CONTACT 

I hope you find something here to help you day by day.

I’ll be peppering posts on my Facebook & Instagram pages with some snack size stories, tips, and snippets from my book.

xoxo Melissa of ITA